Who am I?

On Tuesday the 23 of October we did a challenge called Who Am I.The whole of room 8 got play the game, we had to get into groups of two and it was me and Paige in a group.The rules are very simple, so first you get given a card an you have to were it facing your partner and you need to constantly ask your partner a question and they will say yes or no.
First Miss Parrant told us the rules then she gave Paige the card.She wasn't familiar with the
Person on the card so she searched it up on her Chromebook. When I put it on my head it suddenly slipped out of my hands and drop frontwards, and I saw the answer I acted like I never knew it dropped so when Paige looked away I put it back on my head.I asked he am I an object at first just to not make it obvious.After 6 questions I finally told he that I knew that it was Will Smith.She told me why didn't I tell her sooner.So I left to Miss Parrant to get another card without cheating.
I got it and told Paige I didn’t cheat this time and put it on my head.I asked her a second time “Is It an Object” and she said no and I asked he another question “Am I A Person and she said Yes.I asked he if I was of a movie and she Yes then I had an Idea, I said “Am I from a Disney movie and she said Yes.I asked it the character had children and a wife and she said Yes.After about 12 questions I asked he am I The Tooth Fairy and She said YES!I rejoiced over the fact that I got it right but then suddenly Miss Parrant said One more Minute and that was what frightened me so I got one for Paige and she asked me questions and finally at the last 10 seconds she got it right.
After Miss Parrant Said Can I have a Volunteer and I said Me so I had to to guess a character and It was Emma Watson.Then Nahea went and She guessed Moana and then all of the class said Yes.Then Miss Parrant Told us to do a recount on it.
After all it was quite fun and it was even funnier that we could work with our friends.